Heal blocked chakras: Let your life energy flow freely again

Heal blocked chakras: Let your life energy flow freely again

A guest article by Alisa Füssel

The path to emotional and physical freedom

In the second part of the chakra special, I would like to dive deeper into the theory of the individual chakras with you so that you have the opportunity to recognize and dissolve possible blockages within yourself. Use the knowledge and become a silent observer. Listen to yourself: What is your issue? What is your blockage? Then go one step further and address this or these issues. Dissolve them and release them in peace. This is how healing happens.

Now dare to take the step into the depths of your chakras and reward yourself with emotional and physical freedom, and above all, with the endless flow of your life energy.

The 7 Chakras

1. Muladhara Chakra: Root Chakra

2. Svadhisthana Chakra: Sacral Chakra/a>

3. Manipura Chakra: Solar Plexus Chakra

4. Anahata Chakra: Heart Chakra

5. Vishuddha Chakra: Throat Chakra

6. Ajna Chakra: Third-Eye Chakra

7. Sahasrara Chakra: Crown Chakra

Muladhara Chakra: Root Chakra

The most important facts about the first chakra are:

• It is our root and resonates with the physical body.

• It determines our relationship with the material world of our lives.

• Its element is the earth.

• The root chakra is symbolized with the color red, as well as with a four-petaled lotus flower.

• It is located at the end of the spine and lies between the tailbone and the genitals.


The first of the seven chakras forms the basis for the development of the entire chakra system and the foundation of the energy body. This means that only when your root chakra is in balance can energy flow upward from there to the second chakra.

Muladhara is also the point where the three main nadis (energy channels), Shushumna, Ida and Pingala originate.

The main subject of the root chakra is security and stability because it is connected with the primal instincts. Other subjects are therefore basic trust, grounding, vitality, and the relationship with the material world, such as money or career. This chakra forms the first point of reference for themes from the time of pregnancy, birth, and baby-age. Later, the root chakra is characterized by existential fears, social anxieties, and the feeling of a lack of vocation.

If the root chakra is blocked, there is enormous inner tension and anxiety. This can show itself, for example, like this: you are overwhelmed by a feeling of homelessness, you have strong existential fears, you are afraid of change, and often behave as if you are on the run. On a physical level, a blockage manifests itself in skin, bone, and skeletal disorders, problems in the legs and feet, as well as exhaustion, chronic fatigue, materialism, and a disbalance of the excretory organs.
To reopen your root chakra, you should let go of fears, insecurities, and distrust of life, work through early childhood traumas; spend a lot of time in nature; and incorporate bodywork in the form of yoga into your life.

Be aware that without a healed root chakra, no sustainable spiritual development is possible. Only when you face life without fear and surrender to the flow of life can your soul grow.

Asanas I recommend strengthening your root chakra:

• Vrikshasana (tree pose)

• Paschimottanasana (seated forward fols)

• Virabhadrasana (warrior pose)

• Ardha Matsyendrasana (seated twist)

• Janu Sirsasana (head-to-knee pose)

Svadhisthana Chakra: Sacral Chakra

The most important facts about the second chakra are:

• It resonates with the emotional body and determines our lust for life and creative power.

• Its element is water.

• The Svadhisthana Chakra is represented with the color orange and a six-petaled lotus flower.

• It is located on the physical level, approximately at the level of the sacrum.


In the sacral chakra lies the relationship to aliveness, the passion for life, the creative power, and the sensual desire. It is strongly influenced by the experiences of infancy and stands in this stage of life mainly for the living out of needs that have led to negative reactions in the environment. Therefore, blockages often express themselves as a loss of joy in life, listlessness, a lack of vitality, and inhibitions to allow intimacy. These blockages, in turn, often trigger shame, guilt, fear of sexuality and sensuality, loneliness, and strong mood swings.

On a physical level, a blocked second chakra manifests itself in chronic fatigue, menstrual problems, uterine and ovarian disorders, prostate and testicular disorders, bladder problems, lower back pain, a lack of flexibility, and addictions, among other things.

Unblock yourself by rediscovering your zest for life, doing something creative, reigniting your sexual desire, and most importantly, confronting the issues of your past again. Face the shame, guilt, and embarrassment and start living authentically according to your needs again. Move in the element of the Svadhisthana Chakra and go swimming, take walks by the river or sea, or practice flowing yoga sequences.

Asanas I recommend strengthening your sacral chakra:

• Trikonasana (triangle pose)

• Kapotasana (pigeon pose)

• Baddha Konasana (bound angle pose)

• Marjaryasana/Bitilasana (cat/cow)

Manipura Chakra: Solar Plexus Chakra

The most important facts about the third chakra are:

• It is the epicenter of our energy and resonates with the mental body.

• The Manipura Chakra is where your self-image of yourself as a person, your identity, your ego, and where the main theme of power sits.

• It is represented by the color yellow and a ten-petaled lotus flower.

• Its element is fire.

• It sits between the center of the upper abdomen and the solar plexus..


Since the Manipura Chakra is closely connected to the digestive organs, this is where our childhood experiences and more complex emotions are 'digested' and formed into an identity as a person. The stored experiences, fears, and behavior patterns of the inner child are found here.

However, the biggest theme of the third chakra is power: power in the form of self-awareness, ability to act, and integrity as a person, but also in the form of manipulation, dominance, or as an expression of powerlessness. In one's relationship to oneself and to one's ego, the strong influence of the Manipura Chakra becomes apparent. If the solar plexus chakra is blocked, this manifests itself in not being able to recognize one's own value and power to act as a person.
The fear of failure and the fear of losing control are located in the Manipura Chakra. This can manifest in overwhelm, despair, powerlessness, worthlessness, extreme emotional instability, and self-hatred. Envy, bitterness, disregard for one's own needs, excessive power-seeking, and outbursts of anger are also signs of a blocked third chakra. On the physical level, the blockage manifests itself through disorders of the digestive organs and metabolism, as well as respiration.

In order to reopen and balance the solar plexus chakra, inner work in the form of working through pent-up emotions, dissolving beliefs, and dealing with one's own self-esteem is also necessary. It also requires a lot of work with the inner child and teenager.

Asanas I recommend strengthening your solar plexus chakra:

• Ardha Matsyendrasana (seated twist)

• Dhanurasana (bow pose)

• Navasana (boat pose)

Anahata Chakra: Heart Chakra

The most important facts about the fourth chakra are:

• It resonates with the causal body. The causal body is the energy body that holds the memories of the feelings from all incarnated lives.

• It is represented by the color green.

• Its element is air.

• It is located in the center of the chest, at the level of the heart.


The heart chakra, as a bridge, forms the connection between the lower three and the upper three chakras. This bridge is at the same time the connection between the mundane and spiritual levels, and between us as human beings and us as souls.

It contains all the subtle sensations such as love, compassion, devotion, sorrow, pain, and gratitude. The heart chakra is associated with the element of air, and as invisible as this is, it is the feeling of oneness and connectedness that lies behind everything. The breath is associated with the fourth chakra and serves as a symbol for this connecting current: connectedness, love, giving, and receiving. If you lovingly surrender to the feeling of oneness, you will feel the energetic space that the heart chakra can open up for us.

Once we understand that we cannot find the source of love on the outside and turn our gaze inward, we discover that the eternal source of love can never be interrupted and that it always flows when we make contact with it. Only this self-love allows us to heal our wounds. The development of the heart chakra is especially influenced during adolescence and puberty. Now that the personality has developed, the person opens up to deeper feelings.

If the Anahata Chakra is out of balance, this can often be due to strong emotional pain. This then manifests itself in distrust of people and life, or in not being able to accept or give love. Other possible consequences are vindictiveness or self-hatred, detachment, closeness, emotional coldness, or indifference. On a physical level, a blockage in the heart chakra causes sunken shoulders, heart disease, high or low blood pressure, elevated cholesterol levels, lung disease, allergies, pain in the shoulders, rheumatism, or respiratory disease.

Healing the heart chakra requires a willingness to feel unconditionally and dive deeply into experiences—even or especially the unpleasant ones. Accepting one's own vulnerability, realizing that one does not need protective mechanisms, releasing unresolved experiences of loss, grief, and pain, and learning to love oneself are all part of the healing path of the heart chakra. Finding your way back to trust and love and surrendering to life is the goal of an open and balanced heart chakra.

Asanas I recommend strengthening your heart chakra:

• Bhujangasana (cobra pose)

• Ustrasana (camel pose)

• Setu Bandha Sarvangasana (shoulder bridge)

• Matsyasana (fish pose)

Vishuddha Chakra: Throat Chakra

The most important facts about the fifth chakra are:

• It resonates with the body of wisdom.

• It is associated with the color sky blue.

• Its element is ether.

• Themes that are located there are self-expression, communication, authenticity and integrity.

• It is located on the neck below the larynx.


The throat chakra is the source of our understanding and ability to communicate. It helps us to find the truth and to communicate with the world. It is responsible for our uniqueness and creative self-expression. The Vishuddha Chakra connects us with the higher mind, with our own destiny, with the knowledge of the outer world and the mirror of our own inner world.

Painful experiences in terms of a lack of expression can lead to a blockade. The period of life between the 16. and 21. year of life is especially formative. A blocked throat chakra manifests itself in not being able to communicate needs, desires, opinions, ideas or conceptions. A typical sign of a blockage is also not being able to listen to others. Behind this is the fear of showing oneself, the fear of criticism or rejection, the fear of negative reactions or loss of control.
Affected people often have no access to their inner voice, are uptight or apathetic. Not being able to express the pain of the soul is reflected on the psychological level in the form of remorse, self-condemnation, and excessive harshness in self-judgment.
On a physical level, an unbalanced throat chakra is reflected in hyper- or hypothyroidism, nervousness, problems with the teeth, and pain in the shoulder-neck area and cervical spine.

To heal the throat chakra, you should start to stop denying your inner truth and allow your own true essence. Live and express your soul. Be creative: sing, make music, act or talk about your feelings and problems - show who you really are.

Asanas I recommend strengthening your throat chakra:

• Ustrasana (camel pose)

• Sarvangasana (shoulder stand)

• Halasana (plow pose)

• Shalabhasana (locust pose)

• Dhanurasana (bow pose)

Ajna Chakra: Third-Eye Chakra

The most important facts about the sixth chakra are:

• It resonates with the celestial body.

• It is associated with the color indigo blue.

• Its element is the light.

• It is located in the center of the head, slightly above and between the eyebrows.

• The sixth chakra is the seat of the pure presence of the soul and consciousness.


The third-eye chakra connects us to the higher intuition and guidance of our soul. While the unconscious spirit manifests in the lower chakras, the awakened and transcended spirit anchors itself in the third-eye chakra. When all other chakras are opened, healed and in balance, the development is completed: the human being stands in the divine consciousness and receives the guidance of the soul through the third-eye chakra. Therefore, the third-eye chakra is also called the "gateway to the soul".

A blockage in the sixth chakra is often related to the worldview and belief system we are born into. Especially in the Western world, the emphasis is on a material view of life, with little room for the development of intuition. Suppression of emotions, a flight into the analytical mind, and the need to understand everything are characteristics of a blockage. In fact, the third-eye chakra is underdeveloped in most cases.

A blockage can also manifest itself in lostness, disorientation, nightmares or in lack of concentration. On a physical level, an imbalance manifests itself in headaches, migraines, eye problems, ear ailments, sinusitis or neurological diseases.

In order to reopen the brow chakra and release the blockage, an intensive period of inner reflection is required. Through meditation, the connection to intuition is strengthened: the issues of the inner world come to light and can be resolved. Neither right nor wrong or even the question of why play a role here, rather it is about looking deeper behind things.

Asanas I recommend strengthening your third-eye chakra:

• Augenübungen und Meditation

• Balasana (child's pose)

• Virabhadrasana III (warrior III)

• Savasana (corpse pose)

• Sirsasana (headstand)

Sahasrara Chakra: Crown Chakra

The most important facts about the seventh chakra are:

• It resonates with the spirit-light body.

• Its element is the cosmos.

• It is associated with the color violet.

• It stands for the divine guidance.

• The crown chakra is located directly at the crown of the head.


The crown chakra is opened upwards and connects the human with the divine and cosmic. Through this connection, we can attain the highest form of knowledge and wisdom - should it be fully opened. The full opening of all chakras also enables the first stage of enlightenment.

The crown chakra regulates hormonal balance and provides balance in our entire physical system. If there is a blockage of the crown chakra, it manifests as pain, disappointment, anger and resentment. In general, underdevelopment of the crown chakra is more common than blockage. An imbalance or underdevelopment can be recognized, among other things, by the feeling of living a meaningless life and not knowing who you are.

On the physical level, nerve disorders, paralysis, immune deficiency, and difficulties in falling asleep and staying asleep may occur.

In order to reopen, activate and heal the Sahasrara Chakra, it is necessary to discover and acknowledge one's own spirituality and to live it in devotion to the cosmic plan in everyday life. Meditation and energy work, as well as chanting the mantra 'OM' - the cosmic sound - stimulate the crown chakra.

Asanas I recommend strengthening your crown chakra:

• Padmasana (lotus pose)

• Sirsasana (headstand)

Learn even more about chakras and their meaning

Erfahre im ersten Teil des Specials alles über die Bedeutung der Chakren für unseren Geist und Körper.


Alisa Füssel

Alisa is a yoga teacher and spiritual mentor. In 2020, she launched "from heart to toe" because she wanted to showcase the many aspects and facets of yoga: Everyone should be able to take out what they need for their path right now. Her goal is to accompany you a bit on your journey to yourself and to give you the support you need; in exactly the form that is good for you. Alisa takes a holistic view of people and yoga, building a bridge between you and yoga, but also between you and your path to healing and a life full of joy and harmony.

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Meditation cushion wool - Oeko-Tex certified
€59.95 *
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ED.03 BALANCE - Amethyst
€38.95 *
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Emotional Detox
€28.00 *
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Tarotkarten mit Buch - Set für Anfänger
€26.00 *